…of life for a sample of patients who received specialist palliative care in three different areas in Ireland. Design: Formal care costs are calculated for community, specialist palliative care, acute…
…Board commissioned a research project to analyse the Growing up in Ireland Cohort ’98 datasets, as part of the programme of monitoring and supporting the implementation of the National Drugs…
…the ESRI Seminar Series The ESRI organises a public seminar series, inviting researchers from both the ESRI and other institutions to present new research on a variety of public policy…
…Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation 10.15: The EU Power System in 2030: curtailment, congestion and prices Sean Collins, Paul Deane and Brian Ó Gallachóir Download Presentation 10.35: Tea/Coffee SESSION 2 Behaviour…
…and its Consequences Download Presentation Dr Dominic Richardson, OECD 12.50 Questions and Answers 13.00 Close of Conference Download the programme below. For further information on the Centre for Longitudinal…
…Una Nic Giolla Choille (Department of Communications,Climate Action and Environment) Muireann Lynch: Re-evaluating Irish energy policy in light of Brexit Download Presentation Eoin Casey: Water-energy nexus: opportunities and challenges for…
…Directorate-General Home Affairs, European Commission (Download presentation) * Andrea Vonkeman, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Bureau for Europe (Download presentation) * Killian O’Brien, European Asylum Support Office (Download…
…Adele Whelan. Download presentation Gas & Electricity markets 5. Implications for the gas system of variable electricity supply – Paul Deane and Brian Ó Gallachóir. Download presentation 6. Relation between…